Marinade in a sentence as a noun

Excellent on beef, pork, chicken as a marinade or sauce.

I’ll just give the marinade I like the most, that one and the one where you just use pickle juice overnight.

A lot of our recipes tend to involve making marinades for meat, and then the meat in the marinade.

Another common way to get marinade into meat is through needle injection.

When they're done, try two or three different ways of marinading them, just a plastic cup will do for each marinade batch.

[8] With time, the meat took a different marinade, got leaner, and eventually took its modern shape.

It takes maybe 10-15 minutes for me to prep say 5 lbs of meat this way, depending how elaborate my marinade/base is.

Marinade in a sentence as a verb

As compared to finely dicing onions, which is probably more difficult to do well than a simple marinade but also a lot faster.

“It pulls the marinade into the muscle,” said Nickelson, breaking down the cellular structure of the meat and tenderizing it in the process.

Then add the marinade, tomatoes and coconut milk, if using, and simmer for approximately 3 more minutes.

Interestingly, the best meat I've ever eaten was also cooked by a Texan who caters house parties as a hobby and has his marinade process down to a science.

It might not matter much in a braised dish or if you use it to marinade a piece of meat but it would matter if you were to try a potato dish cooked for less than a couple hours.

You can incorporate them into a barbecue marinade or a yakitori marinade.

Or maybe I forgot to pull out the chicken out of the freezer and into the marinade this morning, so there is now no point in cooking if I need to wait 2+ hours after I get home for my bird to thaw and flavor.

Marinade definitions


mixtures of vinegar or wine and oil with various spices and seasonings; used for soaking foods before cooking


soak in marinade; "marinade herring"

See also: marinate