Mansard in a sentence as a noun

The mansard roofs in Paris -- taxes were based on number of floors up to the roof line.

"...and hence the "distinctive architecture of Paris, with its mansard roofs".You have to read the article, not just look at the pictures.

Given the history of creativity in Paris shouldn't it be a mansard instead of garage?

Mansard in a sentence as an adjective

Also mansards were invented to avoid taxes so it is also about heritage and continuing tradition.

It appears to have been built mimicking architectural styles from the 19th century, complete with bricked-up windows, mansard roofs, and use of old-fashioned materials and techniques.

Mansard definitions


a hip roof having two slopes on each side


(of a roof) having two slopes on all sides with the lower slope steeper than the upper; "the story formed by a mansard roof is usually called the garret"