Manly in a sentence as an adjective

> "manly man" is a dick who doesn't do his fair shareOh?

But don't **** your self for someone else and feel proud about it because you think it's somehow manly to work 60+ hours.

The Harvard student is very sexy but will soon be too old to attract a man. One of the Maasai doesn't beat his wives much and she finds him very manly.

But Twitch is not, and most of its audience is very young and focused on technology, manly video games.

I'm 32 and although it doesn't feel very manly, talking to my parents about my current situation is what's keeping me sane.

Buddy, it's a stupid joke, it exists only to make men feel manly for bragging about their penis, and it's not even very funny.

Manly in a sentence as an adverb

There's nothing inherently 'manly' about being a strong independent person.

Ground breaking research always seems to be funded by society at large and then spat upon as inefficient and stupid by the manly men who will now make a profit off of it.

Pure unadultered hatred of.... clothes shopping websites?I may be too nerdy for this, but how can anyone have such passionate feelings about how some web shop doesn't make you feel manly enough?

If she doesn't respond to your flirting, then she's not interested and the stand-up, manly thing to do is to stop flirting, and carry on your working relationship in a completely professional manner.

The oft cited thing keeping men out of nursing and dietetics are cultural things like the work not being "manly" enough, as opposed to facing sexual harassment and pejorative or demeaning behavior.

The media buying process was pretty simple -- the agencies would send out an RFP that said eg we want manly men in their 40s who buy outdoorsy cologne and the aforementioned publishers would respond and say how their audience matched that profile.

Manly definitions


possessing qualities befitting a man

See also: manful manlike


characteristic of a man; "a deep male voice"; "manly sports"

See also: male manful manlike virile


in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man; "having said her say Peggy manfully shouldered her burden and prepared to break up yet another home"

See also: manfully