Maniac in a sentence as a noun

I am, as you correctly say, a maniac"

So what was the point in cleaning them?Being too much of a maniac with such thing is no good.

I was laughing like a maniac while she wondered what in the world I was doing in my office.

There's no proof that people are more willing to jump between a knife wielding maniac and a victim before the iPhone age.

A maniac just 20 years later could have destroyed humanity.

Amtrak may have a few threatening "see it, say it" signs at the station, but at least they treat me like a customer and not a maniac.

I am always coding like a maniac to make enough money so I can finally retire to do what I love most, coding.

Maniac in a sentence as an adjective

Then he drove like a maniac so I could get to SFO in time to catch my flight, and he deposited my luggage next to curbside baggage check.

When I declined, saying I'd rather go wandering, he and his friends looked at me like I was some kind of partially deranged maniac.

"I'm a developer evangelist"Anyone who makes up a title like this is an ego-maniac, regardless of their sex. Good thing that the start-up you work for is **** and won't get acquired any time soon.

The great scientists, the philosophers, the religious leaders - all maniacs.

I'm hereby precommitting to a maniac weekend starting tomorrow!

His actual behavior, though, amounted to little more than being a sex maniac and saying blasphemous things during a much more socially conservative era.

There are salient points here, but they're masked by the caricature of a maniac who can't go without Facebook for five seconds and a mythical beast that never gives his brain a break from work.

Maniac definitions


an insane person

See also: lunatic madman


a person who has an obsession with or excessive enthusiasm for something


wildly disordered; "a maniacal frenzy"

See also: maniacal