Maltreat in a sentence as a verb

But if someone maltreats a YC startup, 300 people know about it.

There's not much that can break on a chef's knife unless you really maltreat it, is there?

Those who fail to do so will be removed from the situation so that they may no longer maltreat your guests.

Secretly, I think Uber is doomed, but not so much because they fail as a business, or because they maltreat their employees.

According to YC:> Because the alumni network is so large and tightly knit, investors or companies who try to maltreat a YC-funded startup can usually be made to stop.

You, however, as your reply shows, are congenitally unable to consider that some parents maltreat their children and that these parents look to the outside world like well-adjusted people.

Maltreat definitions


treat badly; "This boss abuses his workers"; "She is always stepping on others to get ahead"

See also: mistreat abuse ill-use step ill-treat