Malignancy in a sentence as a noun

This score is directly correlated with the malignancy of the tumor.

I do MRI scans on those genetically at risk of breast malignancy regularly and encounter this a fair bit.

What you're quoting is a trope whose malignancy might be more obvious in a racial context: "The good black people deserve praise for their attempt to get shut of them".

It claims that the latent period between radiation exposure and the appearance of a malignancy is years.

But it takes two to tango, and the European elite was plenty happy to dance with the corruption and malignancy of the Greek state when it suited their interests.

This streamlined Hollywood would capture fewer rents, exhibit less social malignancy, and pass on more of the value-added income to the creatives.

> I'm not a fan of the idea of armed insurrection - I believe that it's distasteful at best, and more than likely a sign of a gigantic malignancy left unchecked.

I am doubtful, however, because I think the "cool kids" malignancy-- the VC darlings, the investor in-crowd who all collude on terms-- has taken over the organism.

So far, the things that have permitted the cancer to grow are a lack of awareness about its exact location and effect, and a lack of concern given its apparent lack of malignancy.

That they're facing accidental inefficiency instead of malignancy.

They had to be a surgical candidate, with no chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or biologic/targeted therapy for that tumor or any other malignancy in the past 5 years.

These findings, combined with the low prevalence of this malignancy in unselected populations, render the positive predictive value of CEA unacceptably low and thus of little value in screening healthy subjects.

"In the 10 years or so since the widespread use of B-cell depletion, there is little to suggest that a long-term paucity of B cells puts patients at risk for malignancy or opportunistic infections, nor that it leads to treatment-resistant RA or complications.

I'll repeat myself to ease your fear of the rabid hordes of malignant women who want to make your life miserable: "they can make clear what will happen if they get a complaint about you."Of course what will happen from a complaint should take malignancy in consideration and offer at least some kind of right to respond to offenders.

Malignancy definitions


(medicine) a malignant state; progressive and resistant to treatment and tending to cause death

See also: malignance


quality of being disposed to evil; intense ill will

See also: malignity malignance