Malfunction in a sentence as a noun

Some humans malfunction and do this kind of thing. It happens quite rarely, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

If your flight controls malfunction in an airplane, the response is much more complex. If your car catches on fire, you do the same as above, plus get out.

Keystone agent thing even causes the trackpad and keyboard to malfunction every once and a while.

This may be an irrelevant observation, and excuse me for that, but---the wardrobe malfunction was 10 years ago? !

It was discovered that no records of the revisions to the software were ever required or maintained, so the direct cause of the malfunction was unclear. I have no words.

Like a home-made zip gun it's quite dangerous to use, and liable to malfunction in all kinds of ways harmful to the user.

A new 2013 Mercedes don't just malfunction and crash killing its occupants so easily. They build these cars to withstand a lot of impact, this isn't the movies, new cars don't just crash and explode on impact.

We already know that computers can malfunction and airplanes can crash. Now, of course, how reliable you want the airplane to be is up to you, but if you want it to be flawless, then you should never board an airplane.

> prone to malfunction and that, in several cases, needles detached and were left stuck in the arms of patients. This statement would be technically true even if the product in question was less prone to malfunction and needle breakage than the incumbent product!

The commentators are wondering about a technical malfunction at this point, but as Heinemann takes her position the clock actually clicks down to 0s. The referee notifies Shin and Heidemann that the clock will be set to a full one second.

They'll be used against you in court and "strangely malfunction" when they could be used in your favor. It's very dangerous to give the police complete control over video evidence, which is why I feel body cameras are a misguided attempt at sousveillance.

Malfunction in a sentence as a verb

He also says they were prone to malfunction and that, in several cases, needles detached and were left stuck in the arms of patients. I'm doubtful that a Kaiser spokesman would fabricate these problems, which leads me to believe that perhaps this reporting isn't as balanced as it could be.

Blocking Github makes that plugin immediately malfunction because it makes reference to javascript files hosted on Github pages. The bureau has also paid a visit to the plugin's author, for the purpose of intimidation perhaps.

If you've never build anything that turned out to malfunction in an unexpected way, you've never build anything. It's not about taking the position of the sun into account, it's foreseeing that the curvature of the facade would concentrate the sun in an unfortunate way.

And iffy as Apple's web infrastructure historically has been, it's hard to imagine a system malfunction that they couldn't route around in some kind of reduced capacity in this amount of time. So. Is Apple gonna drop trou and own up to what the **** happened, or are they gonna get the servers back up and pretend that we saw all this smoke and no fire?

Just a note, he writes: "Overheating: Computers dont much like to be hot and malfunction more frequently in those conditions&;&." One of the reason there are way less spurious crashes of desktop / game apps than back in these days is that now most CPUs have built-in temp sensor that automatically reduce the speed in the case of any kind of CPU overheating.

Alternately, I remember a similarity here with an Egypt Air flight that went down when some instruments went dead: when one of the instruments experienced malfunction, the pilots suddenly found it hard to believe anything the computer was saying. So maybe, on some level, Bonin dismissed the stall warning because the speed sensor had failed.

One of the sub-contractors, Securaplane, who made the battery controller/charger, had their factory destroyed by fire, after a battery malfunction in 2006. Edit: Cessna had problems with their Lithium-Ion batteries in some Citations, and had to replace them with NiCADs in a emergency airworthiness directive.

The problem with flaming couches is not just those cases where the couch is the primary contributor to the fire; it's also the cases where couches rapidly accelerate the intensity of a smaller fire, like from an electrical malfunction.

This isn't a service disruption, this is a service malfunction with far more serious potential consequences than delayed emails, or inability to download an app, or duplicate credit card charges, and you can't fix those consequences after the fact, not even by applying vast amounts of money.

What we believe is that when these mechanisms malfunction, the cells revert to the default option, a genetic subroutine programmed into their ancestors long ago, of behaving in a selfish way. > Lineweaver and I suggest that genes that are active in early-stage embryogenesis and silenced thereafter which, by our hypothesis, are generally the ancient and highly conserved genes may be inappropriately reactivated in the adult form as a result of some sort of insult or damage.

Malfunction definitions


a failure to function normally


fail to function or function improperly; "the coffee maker malfunctioned"

See also: misfunction