Malaise in a sentence as a noun

But I was beset by a persistent malaise and severe headaches.

Prior to understanding gluten intolerance, many people would just struggle through life with low-grade malaise that they felt was normal.

You have no micro-desires, only this vague macro-desire, which can lead to an almost intolerable malaise.

Groupthink is a large driver of community malaise, certainly within the tech discussion arena.

And, like a peanut butter cup left at my keyboard, when I happen upon one, I will digest each, and the consequences are mentally similar- indigestion of the mind, malaise, unease.

It's already fading in importance, and the economic and cultural malaise that OP argues come along with imperial collapse are already happening.

And I'd choose a vastly different frame than you have: Financial regulations designed to prevent bubble-depression cycles have been steadily stripped away since the 1930s, leading directly to the collapse of our economy in 2008 and the ensuing malaise.

If there were great insights in this article about how to retain users, it would be especially interesting, but knowing that there is a general malaise about this one is still information, and the article is still well-written and I still feel I got my nickel's worth from it.

Malaise definitions


physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)

See also: unease uneasiness