Magnet in a sentence as a noun

Now, try to get the magnet out without cutting the tube.

Probably within a week of installing the magnet.

All you need a chunk of type 2 superconductor, a strong magnet, and some liquid nitrogen.

Most of the other "zen magnet" videos linked as "related videos" are pretty damn awesome.

Put it in a tiny flat cylindrical case with a solar panel on one circular face and a nice strong rare earth magnet on the other.

The experimenter picks drops the 100g magnet into the tube once per second and that it has zero velocity at the tube exit.

Attachment methods might include:* Throw them* Dangle them from an RC helicopter flying close enough to the target for the magnet to attach.

No. Because copper isn't ferromagnetic, it will not be magnetized by the magnet, and consequently the magnet and the copper will not be attracted to each other.

Is it not at least a source of ideas for things to investigate further?The problem with the middlebrow dismissal is that it's a magnet for upvotes.

The only energy input is the experimenter repeatedly moving the magnet from the bottom to the top of the pipe, and this simple movement probably won't tire him out. He could, indeed, do it all day.

My guess is that 80% of the parents on Hacker News don't even know that swallowing a tiny smooth round magnet is more dangerous to a toddler than swallowing a nail.

And, continuing back from hexadecimal, we have the splendid: 842254760070427756125843951997302119090555319708 in base 10 for the magnet link of the torrent containing the list of magnet links for the pirate bay's torrents.

If you tried to force the magnet close to the aluminum at speed it would resist so strongly that you never managed to smash it into it with any kind of effectiveness.

"[W]hen these high-powered magnets are swallowed, endoscopic or surgical intervention is required in nearly all cases to prevent bowel damage.

The point is that as the magnet is falling through the copper tube it creates an electric current which then creates a magnetic field in the opposite direction of the magnet's movement.

The article incorrectly implies that the only way to make a synchronous machine is with a permanent magnet, and thus all synchronous machines have temperature issues.

Bezos predicted they would be good over the long term but said that he didnt want to repeat Steve Jobss mistake of pricing the iPhone in a way that was so fantastically profitable that the smartphone market became a magnet for competition.

But if you happen to swallow two tiny rare earth magnets, what can happen is that they latch together on opposing sides of loops of small intestine, gradually digging their way through the tissue and spilling gut bacteria into the abdominal cavity, which results in sepsis.

Quite a lot of informal but institutionalized racism results from taking people out of middle class neighborhoods and plunking them into the middle of very poor, broken, homogeneously black or hispanic neighborhoods, and then making them a magnet for every bad thing that happens in those neighborhoods.

Magnet definitions


(physics) a device that attracts iron and produces a magnetic field


a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts; "flowers are an attractor for bees"

See also: attraction attractor attracter