Luminary in a sentence as a noun

Why is it, then, that he has this reputation as being a great luminary?

Because the father is a tech luminary, and it's normal to be more emotional about the loss of children.

No one would pass on a 55-year-old CS luminary who's still writing papers, but 40-year-olds with the careers expected of 35-year-olds are screwed.

"Exactly which maven and luminary of computer science has advocated the use of PHP?

I doubt that keeping on doing off-by-one errors **** you in becoming a game-changing luminary.

I don't think in the 80's anyone, even a luminary like Lamport really had any idea how distributed systems would evolve.

Instead, it prompts a sense of dissonance between popular mentalities towards the substance and a luminary's position on it.

Note that the criteria are weighted heavily towards luminary faculty and not towards student results.

"As noted below, even Lisp luminary Paul Graham agrees that Lisp notations have readability problems!

Mark Callaghan, a MySQL luminary who has done a lot of excellent work for the community also has positive things[0] to say about Oracle's stewardship of MySQL.

Use whatever theme you want, and let the "members only" Svbtle clique be judged based on the quality of their content, rather than their association with some self-professed blogging luminary.

Get a 25-year-old who's strong, but knows he's not going to be a CS luminary in 20 years, and who will look at tasks like documenting APIs as a learning experience and a way to get a sense of the company as a whole.

" A trivial encounter with the man, for sure, but for a 22 year old from the east coast, a week into what would later prove to be a pretty extraordinary adventure in Silicon Valley, the approachable, human demeanor of this larger-than-life luminary was revelatory.

Luminary definitions


a celebrity who is an inspiration to others; "he was host to a large gathering of luminaries"

See also: notable notability