Lukewarm in a sentence as an adjective

We've paid many times that amount and sometimes the **** wasn't even lukewarm, let alone steaming.

Shame on the "Jobs" people and it's great to see the lukewarm/negative reviews roll in for their **** sandwich of a biopic.

Not that there aren't bad comments, but bad comments get a lukewarm response, and insightful comments seem to do pretty well.

And one that got lukewarm reception because people didn't know what to make of it: An breakthrough internet communicator.

The idea that a mixed but passionate reaction is better than a lukewarm one applies to startups as well as entertainment.

We heard stories that retailers loved it when we showed it off to them, but I already worked on multiple games with big buzz and lukewarm sales, so that didn't mean much to me. I was already pleasantly surprised when it became a modest success, much less the monster hit it eventually became.

Thing is, back in the day, blink did have its uses... color="red">"If you click continue, your database will be irretrievably deleted, your children shipped off to coal mines, and your tea served lukewarm.

It's an interesting worldview where growing a company to an $11bn market cap counts as only a 'lukewarm success'.It's not super clear why Red Hat's market cap of "only" $11bn means that their business model doesn't work.

I think they realized that you do need to "sell something" when you do a fundraiser like this, but all they came up with were minor features that felt lukewarm - both in the technical sense and in the way they were presented.

For the reformer has enemies in all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order, this lukewarmness arising partly from fear of their adversaries and partly from the incredulity of mankind, who do not truly believe in anything new until they have had actual experience of it." Niccolo Machiavelli

While it's entertaining to think of wannabe terrorists reading materials about cupcakes, surely this is a missed opportunity?Wouldn't it have made sense to plant almost-correct recipes for bomb making, back-doored advice on computer security, and lukewarm calls to Jihad?

At the very least you can take it as an experimental attempt to answer the question: just how much of a philosophy can you hang almost entirely off of a study of cellular automata?That's a pretty lukewarm endorsement, because honestly I don't think it's a good book as written, but some of the negative reviews are exaggerating its lack of contents.

Lukewarm definitions


moderately warm; "he hates lukewarm coffee"; "tepid bath water"

See also: tepid


feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm; "a halfhearted effort"; "gave only lukewarm support to the candidate"

See also: halfhearted half-hearted tepid