Loosening in a sentence as a noun

The fact that we're loosening dumb laws is good.

The court seems to have no idea of the Pandora's Box they've opened by loosening the "obviousness" constraints.

I commented a few weeks ago about listening to an NPR ToTN segment about the loosening of the pocketknife ban.

It's poking fun at the uptight reputation that such places have, and attempting to reverse the trend by loosening those irrational restrictions.

On balance, it is aimed at promoting more effective capital formation by loosening otherwise strict SEC rules when new conditions warrant.

This echoes comments I've heard from foreigners from France, New York, China, and elsewhere.-----Some of these things have changed a bit, especially with the changing outlook of top politicians, the livening up of the city centre, and the loosening of old bureaucratic rules.

My main problem with the way that copyright law has been "harmonized" between different countries is that the "harmonization" is always done by increasing the copyright restrictions of the freer country, rather than by loosening the copyright restrictions of the less-free country.

But with warts and all, the work that the FDA has done and currently does far outweighs these burdens.> The only good thing I can find to say about the bureaucrats at the FDA is that they respond to regional regulatory arbitrage - to medical tourism - by loosening their grip and letting things through.

For much of this, we can thank the loosening standards imposed over the past two decades by a specialized patent appeals court that has given overblown significance to what once was a highly specialized field of tremendous importance to the competitors immediately involved but not to average people.

Remember when you think about policies that seem to only apply to others, like loosening criminal law requirements, sovereign immunity, rampant disregard for the warrant requirement in poor neighborhoods, vehicle checkpoints, and stop-and-frisk: once the precedents are set, there is nothing to keep the government from applying them to you.

An acquaintance of mine smuggled digital documentary video out of Iran just by opening up a laptop and loosening one of the two hard drives' connectors so it no longer registered as attached; the brief border search at the airport of course saw one hard drive with nothing particularly nefarious on it, and didn't go to the trouble of determining that this model of laptop should've had two drives.

Loosening definitions


an occurrence of control or strength weakening; "the relaxation of requirements"; "the loosening of his grip"; "the slackening of the wind"

See also: relaxation slackening


the act of making something less tight

See also: laxation