Lonely in a sentence as an adjective

You don't see the self doubt, the lost sleep, the lonely nights spent working.

It can be a very sad thing, being lonely and knowing how that makes you a target.

Justice Stevens may have seemed like a lonely crusader by 2010.

The people who sleep around a lot are doing it because they have not found a girlfriend/boyfriend, so they are lonely.

This brought to mind Hemingway's Nobel acceptance:"Writing, at its best, is a lonely life.

I didn't necessarily feel lonely, I was busy and had stuff to do, and I still had friends.

If Epiphany or Gnumeric died a slow and lonely death, how many people would really care?

I remember manning the booth at one of those college campus events and it was very lonely.

Don't you find it gets a bit lonely after a while?I've been working as a full-time programmer from home for about a year and a half now, and it's beginning to get a bit weird.

When I went to college I was as alienated and lonely as everyone else had been in high school and I still didn't have casual friends because I didn't know how to be friends with anyone who didn't already share my interests.

Desperately lonely divorced Western men spending a fortune on these young foreign girls and boys for companionship and sexual gratification, and the young folks drawn into whoring out their bodies over the internet just to make rent and buy food.

And is it just me, or does this article not even take its own advice as evidenced by phrases such as "oh ye smart and lonely"?Some more nuanced advice would have been nice, so I'll toss this out there: my current effort is to avoid over-qualifying what I say.

He was described as "remote, coldly aloof, ruthless aristocrat, living in lonely magnificence, disdaining the common people... an exceptional man, a lone wolf whose strength and courage could be looked up to, but at the same time had to be feared; an eccentric, misanthropic genius whose haughty bearing, cold eye and steely reserve made it impossible to like or trust him." [Interesting anecdote: He had all the walls of his penthouse office at the Tribune covered with dark wood, including the door, so that after your meeting ended, you would have great difficulty finding the door to get back out, suffering under his humiliating gaze.

Lonely definitions


lacking companions or companionship; "he was alone when we met him"; "she is alone much of the time"; "the lone skier on the mountain"; "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"; "a lonely soul"; "a solitary traveler"

See also: solitary


marked by dejection from being alone; "felt sad and lonely"; "the loneliest night of the week"; "lonesome when her husband is away"; "spent a lonesome hour in the bar"

See also: lonesome


characterized by or preferring solitude; "a lone wolf"; "a lonely existence"; "a man of a solitary disposition"; "a solitary walk"

See also: solitary


devoid of creatures; "a lonely crossroads"; "a solitary retreat"; "a trail leading to an unfrequented lake"

See also: solitary unfrequented