Loll in a sentence as a verb

Commenting "lol" -> "loll" -> "lolll" is not accepted.

On gitlab,repository and code searching function should be improved loll

Remember:loll: To hang extended from the mouth, as the tongue of an ox or a dog when heated with labor or exertion.

I'm honestly surprised that anyone even bothers to read my posts about boring tax loll but I'm glad to have been of help =D.

^_^\n * Imma cccdddrrrr loll\n * I'm such a nerd!\n * I think I'll write an essay on this triump over the Patriarchy!\n\nIs this the kind of vitriolic community we want to build?

Loll definitions


hang loosely or laxly; "His tongue lolled"

See also: droop


be lazy or idle; "Her son is just bumming around all day"