Logorrhea in a sentence as a noun

I often get rabid logorrhea in social situations, even amongst people I know well.

One other thing: more important than the typing, is having to read excess logorrhea for the life of the project.

But Stallman has the merit to be very explicit about it, instead of hiding it under a tech logorrhea.

The rest were 'political' screeds so disjointed they were essentially logorrhea.

Honestly that looks more like out of place amphetamine-induced logorrhea.

If you're going to encourage that kind of logorrhea, expect a lot of comments along the lines of "I just farted" and "'Assent' is a really cool-sounding word.

Then, partially evaluating the function to supply those values does the same thing that "dependency injection" does, only without the logorrhea of a class.

Versus Haskell, it is the difference between one day waking up and finding out that layer upon layer of unspeakable ad-hocery have suddenly yielded a deranged spam bot suffering from a severe case of logorrhea that can pass the turing test, given a patient examiner..

And this being HN most likely enjoying the lifestyle that is only enabled by "capitalists" willing to pay quite ridiculous amounts of money for poking at the keyboard all day...Calling it well-written and informative is very much akin looking for kernel of truth in whatever logorrhea comes out of Stomfront or that Flat Earth Society.

From this grandiosity we should step back to earth.- Asymmetry is the new world order- The overall presence of information overflow, the logorrhea of information introduces anarchy- In arts the next paradigm is reincarnational postmodernims: I’ll reborn to destroy more.- Emotional over rational.- Universe is just an illusion: an illegal loan with no cover.

Logorrhea definitions


pathologically excessive (and often incoherent) talking

See also: logomania