Locomotion in a sentence as a noun

It's an insult to anyone working on real legged locomotion.

And of course, path-finding/locomotion is pretty much a given.

I think the fact that cars don't use bipedal locomotion to achieve fast velocities is the point.

And, if the research is funded with public money tagged for legged locomotion this is fraudulent as well.

It took 11 hours because of locomotion method of the Kilobots - they use vibration to move.

Walker would be things that actually did stuff - you know like search, translation, locomotion or prediction.

It's coming but robotics has a major obstacle: transferring power to locomotion.

But the introduction of motorized transport soon changed society in such a way as to restrict greatly mans freedom of locomotion.

I've seen papers that's focused on the locomotion circuit and other parts but I don't seem to be able to find any attempts at simulating the whole thing at once.

I agree with the spirit of your comment, but it's true that legged robots are becoming a reality, and showing their usefulness in real-world locomotion tasks.

Non-Newtonian locomotion is the only viable form of manned Interstellar travel.

The laws of thermodynamics don't preclude engines that either leak fuel or are fantastically inefficient in converting them to any particular form whether it be locomotion, electricity, or adipose tissue.

Locomotion definitions


the power or ability to move

See also: motivity


self-propelled movement

See also: travel