Locating in a sentence as a noun

This is equivalent to losing your keys and then locating them only by sense of smell.

If there isn't enough gas pressure inside the disk enclosure, this method of locating the heads won't work.

I am, in general, capable of following signs and locating where in the store I need to be.

" I always have trouble locating the line space option in OpenOffice or Word.

They would also assist in locating fallen planes and their more comprehensive black boxes.

If you need north of 32GiB ram, you can save a huge amount of money over a year by buying hardware and co-locating it.

But honestly, I've never felt I had difficulty locating the start of the next line... is this a problem that needs solving?

Our customer service teams can assist you in locating an alternate delivery location as needed.

Also while you're imagining snooping police, I'm imagining rescue workers locating survivors of a building collapse.

While we don't know who created this virus, it's entirely possible that it was created with the express purpose of identifying/locating certain members of the opposition.

The surveillance service began their history by monitoring enemy armies, knowing what the troop movements were and locating potential weaknesses.

So with every release of the OS, I had the job of locating all the places that the interrupt masking took place in the OS and changing the instruction so that it wouldn't mask the timer interrupt.

I set out to learn the mathematical concept, and not knowing the right term had me waste an entire evening looking at something more closely related to tessellation, than spatial position locating.

Subsidizing an activity with taxes is something else, such as a program to give privately held corporations massive tax breaks in exchange for locating their businesses in a particular state or county.

It in the exact same way that they destroyed MegauploadYou mean by filing a case against them and then, in the discovery process, locating the emails in which the founders of Mt. Gox openly admit that the whole enterprise is built on deliberate cultivation of commercial copyright infringement, so much so that the operators of Mt. Gox actually pay their users to upload pirated movies?That sounds far fetched.

If you're introverted and want some of the benefits of extroversion, such as a bigger social network for locating jobs and meeting women, or if you discover that you really enjoy a hobby that has a large incidental but unavoidable social component, then you're supposed to realize those things are "just not you" and go home and read a book.

This implies, among other things, radically raising your rates, securing appropriate credit to smooth out your cash flow cycles, securing appropriate savings to smooth out your cash flow cycles, securing social and professional relationships such that you have them available in leaner times, and locating the business somewhere conducive to success at it.

Locating definitions


the act of putting something in a certain place

See also: placement location position positioning emplacement


a determination of the place where something is; "he got a good fix on the target"

See also: localization localisation location