Liveliness in a sentence as a noun

Grey just doesnt strike me as a color that inspires liveliness and energy.

I don't think the liveliness of street culture has anything to do with a city's status as a tech hub.

* Low latency and liveliness has to be baked into the innards of the system/VM/framework.

Also, the warmth, short decay and liveliness of a flame creates a very special ambiance.

I think the place is phony, hot, unsustainable, and lacking in genuine purpose and liveliness.

The Windows interface is intuitive, simple, and has a liveliness that I find appealing.

It is almost the quintessential daytime music, and brings liveliness to everything around you.

Erlang emphasizes "liveliness" and low reduction over throughput.

Perhaps, put in a position of responsibility, which most people in modern society seem to have managed to avoid, the situation draws liveliness and performance out of you?

There is an active entity -- a client request, a server, a socket handler, it has a an id/name, it can be monitored for liveliness, it can be halted, upgraded, killed, can send messages to it.

Generally speaking you are responsible for the liveliness of your app uptime, however if you use some of my other existing open source libraries, they will respawn the process for you.

I'm assuming that the fact that big-player node operators must nevertheless externalize the same slot values in order to enjoy liveliness makes it easy for the application to automatically detect any equivocation?

The performance should have some of that liveliness that comes from knowing something well but walking the line of risking that a mistake could happen...that's what can be so compelling about a great speaker, there's a mix of energy, competence, and human nature that gets people to tune in.

Liveliness definitions


general activity and motion

See also: animation


animation and energy in action or expression; "it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it"

See also: life spirit sprightliness