Litigious in a sentence as an adjective

This would be a litigious offense in almost every nation.

It might be a little more work to set up, but that's the price you pay in today's hyper-litigious copyright-mad world.

He's litigious, he labels everthing "mine", he endlessly praises himself.

[Edit #3]: EJ doesn't sound particularly litigious in her post, but consider what happens if she does decide to sue AirBnB and any part of it makes it to a jury.

His litigious nature and ability to wrangle the legal system in order to label everything "mine" is what keeps him in business.

They have a history of being aggressively litigious, similar to patent trolls[1], and have used frivolous lawsuits to harass critics into giving up the fight.

In the current litigious climate of America, a customer could turn around and sue over some stupid detail, and end up with legal costs far higher than a call rep is worth.

The UX still looked like it was 1991 and nobody liked to use it, students and instructors alike!I don't know how many startups and companies have been stopped in their path to improve service and experience by these litigious patent enforcing jackholes.

Apple is fundamentally altering the technology industry by being aggressively litigious.

Your generation, and the ones before you, destroyed and defunded parks, they built malls over open land, they made 100% safe unfun playgrounds, they turned America in the the most litigious country in the history of mankind scaring anyone from allowing anyone ever to make a mistake or get slightly hurt, you buy your kids more screens than books, and then at the end of the day you wonder aloud why kids don't play as much?

Litigious definitions


of or relating to litigation


inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits; "a style described as abrasive and contentious"; "a disputatious lawyer"; "a litigious and acrimonious spirit"

See also: contentious combative disputatious disputative