Lite in a sentence as an adjective

It was the first browser to do so - it don't require a lite version.

A lot like his post yesterday, this is really more content-lite self-branding from DHH.

We use git/gitolite/gitweb heavily with our internal puppet infrastruture.

Pricing for similar hardware has literally crashed in the time it's taken Pi production levels to ramp up. There are now multiple ARM vendors with open source BSPs supporting hardware that's much more powerful and with comparable pricing.

In the last 10 years I have probably heard of dozens of companies who, determined not to learn from each other, tried to release "lite" word processors that only implement 20% of the features.

Welcome to HN. Dont take the downvotes too personally we aggressively self-regulate to avoid an atmosphere of content-lite comments.

At best we have won the war on idleness, which is only a lite version of it. If anything, these ****-time gadgets exacerbate the deep boredom problem, what Pessoa calls tedium:Tedium is not the disease of being bored because theres nothing to do, but the more serious disease of feeling that theres nothing worth doing.

I agreed with a lot of what the article said , but then the author seems to go full-TED-********-buzzword towards the end with little evidence or citation and falls into the pseudo-intellectual knowledge-lite trap that he's criticising:> Part of my work explores deep technocultural shifts, from post-humanism to the post-anthropocene, but TED’s version has too much faith in technology, and not nearly enough commitment to technology.

Most of the time, what happens is that they give their program to a journalist to review, and the journalist reviews it by writing their review using the new word processor, and then the journalist tries to find the "word count" feature which they need because most journalists have precise word count requirements, and it's not there, because it's in the "80% that nobody uses," and the journalist ends up writing a story that attempts to claim simultaneously that lite programs are good, bloat is bad, and I can't use this damn thing 'cause it won't count my words.

Lite definitions


having relatively few calories; "diet cola"; "light (or lite) beer"; "lite (or light) mayonnaise"; "a low-cal diet"

See also: light low-cal calorie-free