Liquidator in a sentence as a noun

Find a gently used one in good shape from an office liquidator for less than 500$

Find a chair liquidator. They buy supplies in bulk from companies moving or going out of business.

Even so, the seller was likely a liquidator, not Radio Shack?

I had the TC1100, was able to pick it up cheap from liquidator of computers. I had to figure out ways to undervolt the CPU so I could extend the battery.

They don't need a maintenance programmer, they need a ninja programmer, the liquidator kind.

I got a Herman Miller Mirra from an office liquidator at the beginning of lock-down and love it. Although I spend most of my day working at a standing desk.

Staring at the whiteboard I bought from an office liquidator. Usually with markers of about 10 colors.

At the recent visit to the equipment liquidator I sometimes buy from I saw a pallet with a box full of phones. All kinds from Nokia candybar phones to blackberries to off brand android phones.

The PCs companies leased, usually get sold very cheap by a liquidator. Then companies and people on a limited budget can buy the used PCs. Cars are basically the same way.

The content for the book came from the liquidator of a company which held the copyright. It was a complicated situation - the illustrations I believe were licensed for print to a few different publications, including magazines.

Proper Noun Examples for Liquidator

Woot is a liquidator, not really related to Groupon, LivingSocial, et al. Liquidators have existed for eons, Woot simply brought it to the general public - instead of dollar stores and cheapo stores. Maybe Woot is the post-Groupon.

Liquidator definitions


a criminal who commits homicide (who performs the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being)

See also: murderer manslayer


(law) a person (usually appointed by a court of law) who liquidates assets or preserves them for the benefit of affected parties

See also: receiver