Lionize in a sentence as a verb

Good cinema is fine, but to slander and lionize real people is a moral crime.

Why doesn't the hacker community lionize this guy as much as they do Snowden?

Not to overly lionize Snowden, but it just goes to show that once the dam develops a crack, it's not long before it's gushing.

They are rare and it is not productive to lionize them, especially in the context of science deniers who may fancy themselves as "skeptics".

I honestly don't get why these people lionize the idea of creating good products sold for money and vilify the idea of creating good ads sold for money.

He uses his enormous talent to demonize some and lionize others, when often the facts of the case could easily be viewed from another perspective.

Now you know why it was submitted to HN. Here we lionize the small percentage of startups that succeed and actually build something worthwhile, while demonizing the big fish in the pond, and pretending the heaps of failed startups never existed.

Germans also lionize their famed "Mittelstand", which is not made up of Valley-style startups, but is still definitely entrepreneurial.

What am I supposed to take away from these links, other than the technical culture's self-defeating tendency to lionize individuals to fit a hero narrative?

If the result is a radical departure from the existing political structure, simpletons in the West will lionize whichever youngish cleric is most associated with the reforms.

We lionize young people for small accomplishments constantly only to tear them down when they cannot meet our expectations from Lindsay Lohan to now Manti T'eo... It seems to be a larger problem of this celebrity driven bullcrap.

I honestly don't get why these people lionize the idea of creating good products sold for money and vilify the idea of creating good ads sold for moneyHere are some potential reasons, which I do not necessarily personally endorse:A good faith purchase of a product or service is a transparent and mutually beneficial arrangement.

Lionize definitions


assign great social importance to; "The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood"; "The tenor was lionized in Vienna"

See also: lionise celebrate