Linguist in a sentence as a noun

[0] Also computer scientist, but I'll wear my linguist hat for now.

I'm the original creator of Sass and Aaron is a badass computer linguist.

This is the old prescriptivist vs descriptivist debate, as seen among linguists.

The American occupation is not the primary cause of E->J or J->E linguistic flow.

I joined the Navy, became an arabic linguist, left after a few years, and got a programming job as a contractor for 102k/year.

I wrote about your message on my blog, and a commenter there, a linguist who knows Mongolian, confirmed it's Mongolian and translated it.

When The Cable presented him with evidence of his CIA file, the famous linguist responded with his trademark cynicism.

I'm not a linguist but without very clear and direct evidence my working hypothesis would be that both words probably had an influence on the fantasy version.

Even though I was an arabic linguist, I was allowed to build unlimited amounts of tools in order to support missions, and that eventually just became my job.

>Seems a reasonable title to meTo you it might, but to any linguist this is as ridiculous of a title as saying "English people originated in Africa".

Until that point, the linguist had been trying in vain to decipher the there still such a gap between the researchers and the computational experts who know how to implement solutions?

It's just a design error in the original implementation where linguist assumes that the "primary_extension" for any particular language will be unique among all primary_extensions.

The key point to understand is, as the linguist Roman Jakobson put it, that “languages differ essentially in what they _must_ convey and not in what they _may_ convey.”An oft-repeated trope is that if a language does not have a word for some concept, then its speaker cannot understand this concept.

Linguist definitions


a specialist in linguistics


a person who speaks more than one language

See also: polyglot