Lilt in a sentence as a noun

It has a pleasant rhythm, a lilt, a harmony.

The Irish lilt is a bit of an obstacle but my money's on the the accent in the Scottish highlands.

Book one of Plato's Republic led to my lightbulb moment: witness Socrates's lilt of annoyance at Thrasymachus's behavior, which is not too far from what is being described here.

Lilt in a sentence as a verb

It seems they were more interested in enhancing the dialog by adding rhythmic lilt rather than being concerned about producing something that is authentic.

While this may be considered a "wrong" thing to ask in this era but you dont mention if youre male or female which may lilt the answers a little, in any case heres a few options from my own preferencesMale: Lee, Tony, Neil, Sam, Miles Female: Ella, Lucy, Lisa, Emily, Sarahlast name could be anything really.

Lilt definitions


a jaunty rhythm in music

See also: swing


articulate in a very careful and rhythmic way