Lightheadedness in a sentence as a noun

Last year, I had the misfortune of being sent to the ER for lightheadedness and confusion while hiking.

So it caused you to be physically ill, such as lightheadedness or vomiting?

This reduction in blood supply to the brain leads to symptoms like lightheadedness and tingling in the fingers.

If you're getting headaches and lightheadedness you're short too many calories, or have some serious blood sugar issues.

Maybe not; those deep dream zoom videos that were popular some years back made me physically uncomfortable to the point of nausea and bad lightheadedness ..!

I don't see any evidence that confusion, dizziness, lightheadedness are common presenting symptoms of vitamin D deficiency at all.

Difficulty concentrating, memory loss, lightheadedness, mood, ability to interact with people?

Lightheadedness definitions


a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall

See also: dizziness giddiness vertigo


a frivolous lack of prudence