Life-threatening in a sentence as an adjective

I cannot fathom what a 2000 watt motor would do, seems kind of life-threatening honestly.

"It is often argued that life-threatening illness imbues its victims with a new vigor for life.

Tiny pieces of broken glass can cause deep, sometimes life-threatening lacerations.

It really puts things in perspective, and we hopefully shouldn't need a life-threatening event to come to this realization.

Your story of spending $1200 on health care in three years could very well have been one of being completely bankrupted because you suffered a serious but not life-threatening injury.

The single best way to halt life-threatening hemorrhage in an extremity is a tourniquet, and the only thing that halts thorax hemorrhage is a surgeons finger.

Unfortunately, sharing the road with cars in any metropolitan or suburban area is a life-threatening experience.

Life-threatening definitions


causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm; "a dangerous operation"; "a grave situation"; "a grave illness"; "grievous bodily harm"; "a serious wound"; "a serious turn of events"; "a severe case of pneumonia"; "a life-threatening disease"

See also: dangerous grave grievous serious severe