Lever in a sentence as a noun

There was a tab, a screw, and a lever.

Unplug tab, unscrew screw, pull lever, replace hard drive.

It doesn't show a picture of a lever door knob nor does it even explain how one works.

At least in the Uk, there seems no democratic lever to adjust to change this.

He showed them both a shiny metal box with two slots in the top, a control knob and a lever.

There are a whole slew of reasons why pricing as a lever cannot be used to fine-tune demand.

If you want to incentivize people to stay with your company for a year, pull other levers to make that happen.

Don't pull the vesting lever for something as simple as "students just out of school have shorter time horizons".

The lever that lowers the food lacks versatility and the darkness knob is confusing.

If you mount a 30-inch-deep hunk of desk on it there is a much higher stress on the mounting points since the long desk acts as a very effective lever.

The swiss lever escapement was up until the mid 2000's practically the only escapement produced in wristwatches.

Lever in a sentence as a verb

Cannot simply pull the price lever.- Restaurants are divided into price ranges, with not a lot of intermediate prices.

Having the implicit threat of an audience you can address is a major lever to getting decent service nowadays.

But, in older models you could easily replace the battery --- you can pop them out with a lever, get a new battery at the Apple store, and put it in.

There's almost no legitimate use case for them other than creating pretend currencies that make people hit the skinner box lever harder and spend more money.

Given two levers and the way you're going to run the test, there is a probability that you will come to the wrong conclusion and forever after do the wrong thing.

Why campaign for privacy when you can write PGP or Tor, why work as a fundraiser when you could build Kiva or Watsi?The hacker skillset is a lever big enough to move the world.

My mother owns a small cloth shop, she has quite a few problems as a small business owner, but I doubt she wants to be used as a lever in the favour of Hodorkovsky or Kozlov.

" That's a valuable lever to have to encourage clients operating in good faith to prioritize getting your invoices paid expeditiously.

Wedge the point of the bent end between the tread and rail, so the "elbow" is resting an inch or two behind the wheel and the bar is up at a 45 degree angle, so forming a lever with a lot of mechanical advantage.

Cannot simply pull the price lever.- Desirability of restaurants is heavily determined by perceived authenticity.

I've read similar fluff from marketers and advertisers who see themselves as the lever-pullers of capitalism, from student politicians about their destiny as masters of all creation, from lawyers about the utter indispensibility of their ancient craft, from engineers ditto ... ad infinitum.

Lever definitions


a rigid bar pivoted about a fulcrum


a simple machine that gives a mechanical advantage when given a fulcrum


a flat metal tumbler in a lever lock


to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open; "The burglar jimmied the lock": "Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail"

See also: prise prize jimmy