Lenity in a sentence as a noun

The rule of lenity works that was for US criminal laws.

"He did so by applying the "rule of lenity," which requires "penal laws .

2. Some cases must be treated with special lenity.

And he teaches 1L Criminal Law and one of the topics in that class is the "rule of lenity.

To the OP, this is proof that the law is so vague that it needs to be changed, or else "the rule of lenity" will constantly be invoked.

"Professor Wu's suggestion that the Administration rely on the rule of lenity is not as off-base as you suggest.

Bear in mind that prosecutors have a professional duty to zealously argue the government's case just as the defense lawyers have a duty to zealously argue for innocence or lenity of their clients.

' Well, it's possible - until X has been charged with something specific, who am I to say he won't get hit with a capital ****** charge or somesuch?I don't agree with you about the how the OP is using the rule of lenity.

Applying the rule of lenity, the Court warned that the broader statutory interpretation would "delegate to prosecutors and juries the inherently legislative task of determining what type of ... activities are so morally reprehensible that they should be punished as crimes" and would "subject individuals to the risk of arbitrary or discriminatory prosecution and conviction.

Lenity definitions


mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant

See also: lenience leniency mildness