Lemur in a sentence as a noun

Getting 4 hours minimum with lemur ultra i7 ssd 8gb ram.

I was infatuated with the hyper expensive lemur for a while.

First brontosaurs, then Pluto, now Triceratops - what's next, Count Chocula will turn out to have been a miscategorized lemur?

For instance both India and Madagascar contain rich lemur fossils that are different but clearly related.

The majority of the existing tools are aimed at developers.- "Joel pronounces lemur incorrectly.

"...\n"In the past few years, geneticists have pieced together an account of how Perron’s retrovirus entered our DNA. Sixty million years ago, a lemur like animal—an early ancestor of humans and monkeys—contracted an infection.

When the lemur reproduced, that retrovirus rode into the next generation aboard the lucky sperm and then moved on from generation to generation, nestled in the DNA. “It’s a rare, random event,” says Robert Belshaw, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Oxford in England.

Lemur definitions


large-eyed arboreal prosimian having foxy faces and long furry tails