Legion in a sentence as a noun

The evidence that working hard helps you get ahead is legion.

The evidence that having connections helps you get ahead is legion.

They are, empirically, legion, because many young men continue to make poor choices.

Zuckerberg's first attempt at trying to cultivate its legion of human potatoes.

Legion in a sentence as an adjective

Way back in my 888chan raiding days, we took special pleasure in tormenting Kimmo Alm and his legion of pedopals over at anontalk.

Blaming google for seo spam is not productive - spammers are legion and in constant battle to game google's ranking system, whatever it currently is.

It's a significantly better game than the festering, cancerous legion of predatory money extracting non-games that have turned the iOS and Android app stores into cesspits of addiction and credit card fraud.

You're embarrassed by a successful entrepreneur?Can you explain to me what is embarrassing to you?Is it the making money part?Is it the understanding a market and serving it part?Is it the education and knowledge sharing to better energize and expand the market part?Is it the persistence, perseverance and timing part?Is it the creation of a legion of folks who never would have participated had they not been given the encouragement and clear marketplace part?Is it the successful marketing part?Or is it some other part that I have failed to mention?

Legion definitions


archaic terms for army

See also: host


association of ex-servicemen; "the American Legion"


a large military unit; "the French Foreign Legion"


a vast multitude

See also: horde host


amounting to a large indefinite number; "numerous times"; "the family was numerous"; "Palomar's fans are legion"

See also: numerous