Legalise in a sentence as a verb

So perhaps one of the HN responses could be "legalise, regulate and tax most of the illegal *****".

But we also like gay marriage, want to legalise ***** and disapprove of monarchy.

And that, of course, means the government can't legalise ***** because of the massive community backlash there would be...

But even if we don't, even if we say "**** it, legalise everything and to **** with the rest" we'd be far better off as a society.

One might think it odd that Big Pharma doesn't do more to legalise *****, then you realise they already have legal sales and distribution channels.

Portugal decriminalised a bit more than others, they didn't legalise.

Not that irrelevant... it is just another side to the general corruption and outright gangsterism that often characterises the modern UN. They also voted to legalise the execution of homosexuals only recently.

Legalise definitions


make legal; "Marijuana should be legalized"

See also: legalize decriminalize decriminalise legitimize legitimise legitimate legitimatize legitimatise