Lawyer in a sentence as a noun

Very lawyer-like, in a way, but far more classy.

She showed up 30 days later with our lawyer and the judge couldn't figure out why she was there.

I'm looking forward to Aaron's lawyers' response to this statement.

If you have not yet hired a lawyer, tell the agent that "I want to consult a lawyer first" or that "an attorney will be in touch with you.

I volunteered to take a police polygraph test, hired a lawyer and initiated a libel suit.

Don't resign, don't capitulate and hire a good lawyer immediately.

The median programmer has jumped over far fewer hurdles than the median doctor or lawyer.

His patois was so strong that his lawyer couldn't really understand what he said, and the border agency was going to send him back to Jamaica to be killed.

You don't even need to have a lawyer when you say that, but the prospect of your lawyer going to the employment commission and saying "My client was denied wages.

But, even if you can't afford a lawyer, it is always worth consulting with one for strategic advice on incorporating before you do so.

Second, the baseline for becoming a programmer isn't very high -- certainly nothing on the order of becoming a doctor or lawyer.

General advice for legal questions: it's fine to ask these sorts of questions, but please, for the love of god, don't listen to anyone who isn't a lawyer or who hasn't gone through something very similar to what you're going through.

It is perfectly legal for them to threaten you with harsher legal penalties, and it is perfectly legal for you to say I need to speak with a lawyer before I make any decisions or say anything.

She can come before the judge in 30 days with the document and collect her passport or she'll be deported to countryX".I had to unnecessarily waste time and money hiring a lawyer to figure out what the heck went wrong.

It's the kind of language a lawyer would use to qualify a patent clause.- We do not provide direct access to our servers.- We do not provide direct access nor is there a backdoor.- O, but we do still pipe all of your data to external NSA servers.

Lawyer definitions


a professional person authorized to practice law; conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice

See also: attorney