Laundry in a sentence as a noun

Hard to get a warrant to search Bob's car for laundry detergent.

If I didn't want to do laundry, then I had a big pile of stinking clothes.

I would suggest keeping your dirty laundry off the Internet, and delete this post.

People are people, they're complex, and they're a lot more than a laundry list of characteristics you might like to have.

His daughter was away at camp for the summer and his wife had mailed her a care package that included laundry detergent.

The thing that leapt out at me the most strongly from this article is how none of the laundry startups appear to actually do any laundry.

And that's why a hundred years ago 14-year olds were captaining their own ships, and today you have 40-year olds who can't do their own laundry or balance a checkbook.

No way to connect Bob and Alice until you add: Alice goes to grocery gets laundry detergent; Alice gives Detergent to Bob for *****.

* The book's philosophy is to go deep into the core concepts of deep learning, not to superficially cover a long laundry list of ideas.

This re-titling, if I understand correctly, is already a manual process, right?So this is less "Hey PG, could you wash my dishes and do my laundry" and more "Hey PG, could you please stop loading up my dishwasher with dirty socks?

It's like saying "And in addition to your salary, we're also giving you a roll of quarters every month in case you need to pay tolls, do laundry at one of those barbaric laundromats not in the Googleplex, or play arcade games.

Many newer suburbs are being built with walkability in mind, usually with a small commercial core with groceries, a coffee shop, laundry and a few restaurants, many have mass transit shuttle stops and commuter lots nearby and with telecommuting becoming more common, there's less of a need to make the daily drive.

So they had a brilliant idea on the last week, they are creating a law where everyone can get U$S to Argentine, they are going to give you a "bond" in exchange, and if the money came from drug deals, terrorism or whatever, it doesn't mind, the government is going to do the laundry service that the mafia usually do, for free!!

First there's quality-control: the #1 thing that's going to wreck your relationship with a laundry customer is if you mess up their clothes, and if all the clothes-handling is outsourced, how much can you do to prevent that from happening?And second, if all the value you bring to the table is a thin layer of code over someone else's service, at some point that someone else will just write their own app and cut out the middleman.

Laundry definitions


garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering

See also: wash washing washables


workplace where clothes are washed and ironed