Laughingstock in a sentence as a noun

The absence of such makes us the laughingstock of Europe and Asia.

And it would be a laughingstock if they didn't have the hacker spirit to figure out how to implement them.

Cuil didn't die because people were "too lazy to switch to something new." It died because among the few who did know what Cuil was, opinions ranged from "disappointment" to "laughingstock".

Ray Kurzweil is a laughingstock in the machine learning community and he hasn't been a legitimate researcher for many years.

And while people are sure that their foibles are going to be the laughingstock of YouTube, it will quickly become so pervasive that it becomes irrelevant from that angle.

1%?What if they don't have much on their resumes and are excited to make this a successful project, instead of a laughingstock that fell over in the face of scaling challenges?

Laughingstock definitions


a victim of ridicule or pranks

See also: butt goat stooge