Laugh in a sentence as a noun

Getting your first smile, laugh, hug, or kiss.

If the jokes aren't funny don't laugh and don't click.

I have to laugh at the claim that there is "No need to involve your IT adminall you need is Globus Online.

I didn't laugh but I found that incredibly arrogant and pathetic.

"I don't understand how companies can publish copy that is this absurd and expect people to do anything but laugh at them.

Laugh in a sentence as a verb

The same woman had a hearty laugh earlier in the firing meeting after joking, "I bet you didn't expect your afternoon to go like this, huh?

If you can make me laugh and then think, then more power and karma to you, but most of us are unable to produce such witty insight on the fly all the time.

When you first invent the mobile radio people laugh at you, because you are a ham radio geek and you carry around some big ugly boxes in a van.

Although I'm a perfectionist and I believe a lot of these issues should be addressed, the tumblr itself bothers me. It's the logical culmination of Fail culture where hipsters in armchairs laugh at the inadequacy of everything while producing nothing.

The reason that cryptographers laugh at people who advertise "military grade cryptography" or "we use AES256" is because the choice of crypto primitives is often less important than how they're composed.

Laugh definitions


the sound of laughing

See also: laughter


a facial expression characteristic of a person laughing; "his face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision"


a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter; "he told a very funny joke"; "he knows a million gags"; "thanks for the laugh"; "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest"; "even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point"

See also: joke jest jape


produce laughter