Laid-back in a sentence as an adjective

But if you like clubbing at nights and laid-back days, it's pretty good.

It's possible to be both laid-back and punctual, after all.

A lot of people are of the opinion that Musk should not have called out the NYT and taken a much more laid-back line.

This one seems to have a very laid-back, "fun" style, which is really not for me, but still nice to see work in this area.

No, QA might be cool and ignore this obviously prank cool, but do you think QA at the NSA will be cool, laid-back people when it comes to procedure?

I'm pretty sure that in most countries if a police officer turns up with a silenced automatic weapon then the police action is no longer "laid-back".

My brother went six years behind me and he definitely disliked the cultural change: it became much more serious, much less laid-back, much more competitive and cut-throat.

> RMS doesn't strike me as a very cheerful person either, at least in email conversations...Actually, in person, when he's not discussing serious things, he's a very jovial, laid-back chap.

Doing it that way, I have a remarkably laid-back, trouble-free Wikipedia-editing experience.

He found that, though open offices often fostered a symbolic sense of organizational mission, making employees feel like part of a more laid-back, innovative enterprise, they were damaging to the workers’ attention spans, productivity, creative thinking, and satisfaction.

Laid-back definitions


unhurried and relaxed; "a mellow conversation"

See also: mellow