Lactose in a sentence as a noun

But lactose tolerance is the result of a single SNP, which can occur in at least two places.

Besides, most humans are not lactose tolerant as adults.

> "asians are said to have a near 90% adult lactose intolerance rate"I'm very skeptical of this.

So the sheilas want to breed with the tall milk-fed hottie and not his short, weedy and flatulent lactose-intolerant friend.

Well, as another datapoint to study, asians are said to have a near 90% adult lactose intolerance rate.

Adult lactose tolerance is the mutant phenotype-- intolerance is the norm.

That may be part of it, but another large part of the difference is that, as previously stated, turning milk into cheese destroys lactose.

My ancestors didn't spend thousands of years evolving lactose-tolerance for nothing, you know.

That is, whatever caused lactose tolerance to be such a huge evolutionary advantage didn't require cheese to be a large part of the equation.

Frankly, I'm surprised that so many people will readily equate their lactose-intolerance to dairy being somehow evil.

Guess what gives you more potential calories?Bacterias split lactose to grow, consuming energy in the process and dissipating it as heat and runaway gases.

I guess I must be missing something, because there's a rather obvious explanation of the article's central paradox: lactose has calories.

See: lactose toleranceGP specifically mentioned that and dismissed it with a seemingly reasonable argument; care to respond to that?

Lactose definitions


a sugar comprising one glucose molecule linked to a galactose molecule; occurs only in milk; "cow's milk contains about 4.7% lactose"