Knockout in a sentence as a noun

Js, knockout. js, javascriptmvc, and the like, in addition to jQuery.

So you know your feta is X% milk etc, fermented for Y time, etc, and not some random cheap knockout. Of course, nothing stops a company from selling the same product, or a different mix.

Knockout in a sentence as an adjective

Just about 2 weeks ago I discovered knockout. js, and I felt stupid for spending days building something that would probably take an afternoon to do with knockout.

Proper Noun Examples for Knockout

>The arguments against it are the same as the one's you'd use against knockoutjs. You completely missed my point - Angular is X+Y+Z, my suggestion is to use a framework for X, if you need mostly just X for your project. Replace X with any framework you want, including Knockout. It does not make sense to use a framework that offers X+Y+Z when you need just X or Y. That's my point. I'm sorry you feel offended. Just to be clear - I'm not advocating any framework by name, including knockout in particular, I just mentioned it because I was documenting my use-case in my original post.

Knockout definitions


a very attractive or seductive looking woman


a blow that renders the opponent unconscious

See also: kayo


very strong or vigorous; "strong winds"; "a hard left to the chin"; "a knockout punch"; "a severe blow"

See also: hard severe