Knight in a sentence as a noun

Nge4: the knight on the g file moves to square e4.

Well, I dunno, the pawns are out there and are near a knight.

This knight cannot move because it is pinned to the king.

Ne4: a knight moves to e4, and it's up to the parser to figure out which knight.

I looked at the kings and knights and tried to imagine how one would pin one to the other.

They're as unhappy on the territory of humor as a mounted knight on a skating rink.

Knight in a sentence as a verb

And look at the result: stories where the Democratic Administration looks like a white knight.

Maybe I was wrong about knights being the M, so let's try all possible knight moves and see if the system lets me make any of those moves.

"Ok, well, the knight and the king are lined up diagonally, so the only way the knight could be pinned to the king is by a bishop.

Now I'm looking at the knights on the board, thinking about moving them around, and I don't see how any move I make could be consistent with the instructions.

""To pin the black knight to the black king, you need to move one of your pieces so that it is attacking the knight and would be attacking the king were it not for the knight's position.

Pardon everyone convicted under similar statues and knight Turing posthumously for his efforts during the war and his contributions to computer science.

Knight definitions


originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit


a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa)

See also: horse


raise (someone) to knighthood; "The Beatles were knighted"