Kitten in a sentence as a noun

Man in uniform saved a kitten from a tree?

More bytes of kitten photos does not mean less bytes of Nietzsche.

I also have a girlfriend, friends, a new kitten to look after.

Every time you use a carousel, a kitten dies.

One man's treasure is another man's knitted kitten bowtie.

Stomping a kitten is pretty tame by comparison.

Kitten in a sentence as a verb

"Save kittens" --> no one cares"Save this kitten" --> everyone caresYou can think of this as hacking the human psyche, if you like.

Integers might be kitten pictures now, and multiplication returns shades of pink.

Why not just go watch another five second video of a kitten with its head in a toilet roll, or a 140 character description of a meal your friend just stuffed in their mouth.

I would be surprised to see a hybrid of horses and cats but it would certainly be the ideal gift kitten AND a pony!Wondering if they pronounce 'geep' as "gee eep" or "jeep".

Normally when I see a HackerNews->slidedeck I just get frustrated and annoyed by things like the "inside joke" and "cute kitten slides" that rely on the speaker to deliver some insightful punchline.

Computers were never meant to be carried around in your pocket, the internet wasn't designed to propagate kitten memes, and Columbus never meant to land in America, yet here we are.>That has involved making browsers huge complex beasts that have to be written in low level unsafe languages to achieve acceptable performanceAs opposed to which safe languages?

Kitten definitions


young domestic cat

See also: kitty


have kittens; "our cat kittened again this year"