Kisser in a sentence as a noun

More butt-kicker than butt-kisser, if that makes sense.

People can find out you're not a good kisser, you're not good in bed, you're unreliable, you're cheap, etc.

Alex Jones, playing a character or not, is a goat-kisser.

Better for the kisser, perhaps, but presumably not the kissee.

You are equating humility to being an ***-kisser.

Hello, stalker-ville or ***-kisser-ville, and I am neither.

I'll just be over here, being a "stalker" and "*** kisser" because I want to know who I'm working for before I join a company.

Sorry for not being an *** kisser, but I think this is way too overpriced and I would not like to see HN turn into a marketplace.

It would ultimately depend on how the interview would go. I'm not sure she's so much an *** kisser as she is just really excited about the company.

Slightly paraphrased — for this family newspaper — the rule states: If you kiss a goat, even if you say you're doing it ironically, you're still a goat-kisser.

He might also have though she was just a bit shy or simply a bad kisser.> In my mind, there's absolutely no room for grey area in this from the point she said "stop".Agreed, no doubt about it.

So please stop assuming that anyone who isn't an extreme free market *** kisser is some socialist European who's against capitalism and competition.

A joke by /pol/ until the mainstream media believed itIf you make out with a goat, whether you’re attracted to goats or doing it to be “edgy” or “ironic”, you’re still a goat-kisser.

He's describing social engineering, and I have no doubt that it's a very effective strategy.> “I thought you were a terrible ***-kisser when we started working together.”> She paused and frowned.

I don't think there is a great deal of venn diagram overlap between political apparatchik/***-kisser and the sort of person who you want to hire as CSO of netflix or a similarly sized organization.

Slightly paraphrased — for this family newspaper — the rule states: If you kiss a goat, even if you say you're doing it ironically, you're still a goat-kisser.”You don’t get off scott-free just because you say “I was only being ironic“.

I've lost count of how many times I've seen two people together where one changed to accommodate the other partner and ended up being a perpetual ***-kisser, leaving everything and everyone behind while under constant control of his/her significant other.

Kisser definitions


someone who kisses

See also: osculator


the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British)

See also: countenance physiognomy phiz visage smiler