Kiosk in a sentence as a noun

"I don't need to worry about what software is in a kiosk, pay phone, or ATM that I am using.

My credit card was charged for $NaN once, due to a bug in a PitneyBowes postage kiosk.

Then you can avoid customs lines and just swipe your card at the kiosk - enter the country without ever talking to anyone.

When you're a manager and your boss tells you to go install some kiosks, chances are good that you're going to go out there and get some proposals.

If you can make it 'on demand' so that as someone walks off the plane they can stop at the "Nomadics" kiosk and say, "1 person, 2 months, no smoking.

It seems Redbox has kiosks where you can instantly subscribe and order your first DVDs there, those kiosks do no mail validation.

Your post office probably has an automated self-serve kiosk where you can do this in under 5 minutes.

Everyone out there is doing a job and deserves respect, even if he's earning a minimum wage or if he's working at a mall kiosk.

Interesting, I developed a very large kiosk platform in Lua and the experience was fantastic.

What they don't understand is that years ago I wrote software for a building access kiosk that involved a one-way video chat, followed with a photograph taken of the visitor.

Is it me, or is there absolutely no "depth" in these medium articles?This content isn't any more thought provoking than the content you find in any mainstream magazine at an airport kiosk.

Proper Noun Examples for Kiosk

Windows kiosks are in use because there are a lot of people out there selling Windows Kiosk solutions.

Kiosk definitions


small area set off by walls for special use

See also: booth cubicle stall