Keenness in a sentence as a noun

Employers like to see interest and keenness but they do hire people who don't have it, of course.

But in recent years there has been a keenness in government to harvest this data.

Don't even get me started on many ****'s keenness towards Buddhism.

In your keenness to try discredit what Stallman is saying you cherry pick a few examples and completely avoid most of the far more serious issues raised here.

The fear of being held responsible could also be a certain factor of the keenness of the advisor; concern for what 'evidence' exactly ends up in that notebook.

One cannot imagine a more beautiful combination of intellectual keenness, artistic form and fervent love of justice.

I have a friend at one of those companies and they were running a survey to gauge employee's keenness for permanent wfh - and they were very clear that employee's salary will be adjusted based on which city they are based in.

"... their lack of interest in people, their fascination with objects, their need for sameness, their keenness to be left alone ..."which can be experienced when you are working on some code, trying to make bug-free and of course someone has to come over and start a conversation..."...

There's a fantastic interview with Stanislav Grof, who supervised roughly 4500 *** sessions starting in Czechoslovakia, here: [1]His intelligence, knowledge and keenness of mind is truly impressive, especially considering his advanced age.

Keenness definitions


a quick and penetrating intelligence; "he argued with great acuteness"; "I admired the keenness of his mind"

See also: acuteness acuity sharpness


a positive feeling of wanting to push ahead with something

See also: eagerness avidity avidness


thinness of edge or fineness of point

See also: sharpness