Kazoo in a sentence as a noun

You can replace "math" with "writing" or "running" or "playing a kazoo.

I know he has the best voice therapists in the world and there's no chance he'll ever read this but: kazoo.

He asks, what if the Foo Fighters said guitars are hard to play, let's play kazoos because they are easy.

On another level, giving my kid a kazoo may not be a way to gain my favor.

This would be like picking up a kazoo and trying to optimize it for Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

The kazoo works the breath and the vocal cords which are tougher than other muscles, so you can and should work them everyday without fear of injury.

Methinks he's referring to the fact that most "music" produced on 8-bit devices in the 1980s had the musical value of an overture for solo kazoo.

Ukulele & a kazoo 45 minutes every day.

At least for python the folks at mozilla put together a nice from scratch library in the form of kazoo, at the cost of reimplementing the entire protocol.

That makes perfect sense for breath training, I came upon the kazoo after reading that an early 1900s opera singer never did vocal exercises, she just hummed to warm up.

It's not that the record labels "don't get it" but that they have to balance contractual obligations up-the-kazoo, between them and artists, between them and agencies, between them and other content consumers etc.

Kazoo definitions


a toy wind instrument that has a membrane that makes a sound when you hum into the mouthpiece