Juvenility in a sentence as a noun

If it was a juvenility contest, the response won by lengths.

Why is this racist juvenility the top rated comment in this thread?

There's no element of juvenility in how they said what they said, and they're not using grown-up words to call people names for the sake of it.

You know, berating a programming language, just because it's older and not considered kind of "cool" or in vogue, is a clear display of intellectual juvenility.

Measurements of three stages in his development revealed a larger relative head size, larger eyes, and an enlarged cranium--all traits of juvenility.

Popularity is obviously a factor in achieving that since lots of people associate mass marketed products with blandness, juvenility, etc.

Regardless of the cleverness of mashing things up or musical jokes, there is always a degree of juvenility or frivolity to the concept itself that makes it less versatile to express certain serious ideas as straightforwardly within the wider cultural realm.

Juvenility definitions


lacking and evidencing lack of experience of life

See also: callowness jejuneness


the freshness and vitality characteristic of a young person

See also: youth youthfulness