Jugular in a sentence as a noun

If you expose your jugular, you might establish trust, but you also might get your throat slashed.

But Soros and company weren't forced to "go for the jugular.

If Uber gives an inch, their competitors will go for the **** and move on to targeting the jugular.

If they no longer have a knife to the jugular of civilization as we know it, it's a lot easier to ignore them.

They're going for the jugular with a grand unified strategy the likes of which the tech industry has never seen before.

Imagine morning rounds without the 5-minute seances required for the team to divine the jugular venous pressure.

Jugular in a sentence as an adjective

So the lesson for the lean startup is to know when to get the big investment type of funding that allows you to think big, think long-term and go for the jugular as he said.

With targeted marketing, you get this kind of thing where advertisers go for the jugular on their core market, abusively ignoring the side-effects.

I'm trying to think of a dollar amount high enough to let somebody stick a tube into my jugular and extend my circulatory system outside my body for hours.

If what you've said is all true, and you've thoroughly gone over with your attorney all of the grievances and have enough data to back it up, and they have yet to respond within a reasonable timeframe through a legal channel, then go for their jugular and take them out. Don't relent on these types of offenses, doubly so if they are a start-up.

Grooveshark's service-oriented approach makes them a clear safe harbor, and unless Grooveshark quickly sees legitimization as a marketing channel and gets "white-knighted" a la YouTube and Google, they will remain rogue and the media companies will keep hounding until they get at the jugular.

The critical wound was a four-and-a-half-inch-deep cut in the throat, which completely severed the carotid artery and jugular vein.\nThe doctor determined that Joy was alive when she received the wound, and that such a wound could have been caused by\na single-edged blade shorter than four and a half inches, due to “how soft and moveable the tissues are in the neck.” The autopsy also revealed abrasions around the neck, impressed with the cloth pattern of Joy’s shirt.\nThe coroner’s office also took vaginal, oral, and **** swabs.

Jugular definitions


veins in the neck that return blood from the head


a vital part that is vulnerable to attack; "he always goes for the jugular"


relating to or located in the region of the neck or throat; "jugular vein"