Joyous in a sentence as an adjective

I do it quite frequently when some joyous happenstance comes my way or when I spend a bit too much on myself.

That means I've had two joyous years of wacky interactions and irritating UI bugs.

Beginning on night 3 of sleep training, we got 8 hours of unbroken, joyous sleep, and we have gotten regular sleep ever since.

The most joyous times were found simply being with friends and family with no presumptions of better-ness because you knew how much their horse cost.

It sounds like they used to be joyous fun times in the industry, but for most of my time, I've felt very constricted and aware of my every word.

> it really is a surreal/joyous experience - you feel like everyone is cheering you on - like a celebrity almostI can't be the only one who finds that annoying?

The moment I saw headlines like "US government recommends against using Internet Explorer" because of that bug, I thought "Chrome and Mozilla guys must be over-joyous with this".

We've got 70 year old cyclists excited that it's the first time they've ever joined a community and engaged with it, and 16 year olds equally joyous at just being somewhere others who share their interest are.

I remember a few months ago that one joyous postgrad student was hosting a pretty off-the-wall theory on his personal university space and trying to get it into Wikipedia as "published by the university".

The two boys had the open, joyous, friendly confidence of kittens who do not expect to get hurt, they had an innocently natural, non-boastful sense of their own value and as innocent a trust in any stranger's ability to recognize it, they had the eager curiosity that would venture anywhere with the certainty that life held nothing unworthy of or closed to discovery, and they looked as if, should they encounter malevolence, they would reject it contemptuously, not as dangerous, but as stupid, they would not accept it in bruised resignation as the law of existence.

Joyous definitions


full of or characterized by joy; "felt a joyous abandon"; "joyous laughter"