Jostle in a sentence as a noun

Nsa and cia jostle for power all the time.

So, many lower sections jostle for space and they all get in.

Now, when i hold babies, i'm overly cautious not to jostle them.

Haven't you ever seen a movie where men jostle each other and call each other things too crass to type in here?

We made people jostle even more by standing in the back and saying, in a stage whisper, things like "Hey, there are still free seats!".

> Suppose that I write the software to implement this CA, but not display it, just jostle the memory locations.

When a theme park opens its gates in the morning, we expect a large crowd to jostle in through a constricted entrance like a funnel.

I guess the entire cylinder can jostle slightly within its chamber, so that could affect where and how pressure from torque is applied.

Jostle in a sentence as a verb

There might be a bit of sense to it, but on the other hand, it's not hard to jostle someone into paying attention, as I'm sure your neighbors would.

Can you spell out your objections, instead of trying to jostle my imagination?You act like no one's been fired after their first day at Starbucks.

If you jostle your laptop, there's a chance that the drive heads might come into physical contact with the disk surface, gouging it and causing irreversible damage.

People jostle for space in the block and a market develops around how much people are willing to pay to get into the next block. It's based on the assumption that miners pick the transactions with the highest fees to include in their blocks, which does happen to a certain degree.

"Apple and Samsung are engaged in a bruising legal battle that includes more than 20 cases in 10 countries as the two jostle for the top spot in the smartphone and tablet markets.

They'll also do things like develop a state of the art web browser just to jostle the browser development community out of its laziness and propel web standards and browser performance forward.

Interestingly, if you want to know whether something you own is sapphire glass, you can usually conduct a simple experiment:Drop some water onto the glass face, and jostle the item around a bit.

Now the Economist is normally great, but this line"This may help to explain the success of Silicon Valley, one of the last workplaces in America where hard and soft drinks still jostle for space in the company fridge.

Jostle definitions


the act of jostling (forcing your way by pushing)

See also: jostling


make one's way by jostling, pushing, or shoving; "We had to jostle our way to the front of the platform"


come into rough contact with while moving; "The passengers jostled each other in the overcrowded train"

See also: shove