Jingoism in a sentence as a noun

I hate to say it, but it was jingoism which spurred Apollo, and it will be the same with a mission to Mars.

I realize this might sound like glib "Semper Fi" jingoism but you'll have to trust me there was a real difference.

Good old jingoism ... and nepotism towards his friends, Kurzweil.

The comment has a touch of jingoism about it, but racially motivated, hardly.

At the end of the day it's about having a product to sell, not platform jingoism and technological pissing contests.

Even the fact that this article keeps referring to the students as 'soldiers' is the type of condescending Orwellian jingoism that makes me shudder.

Maybe this is a rare streak of jingoism for me, but it seems odd that a foreign company has been able to come in and dictate through the courts that the whole industry should work on a completely different model.

Its finally sunk in that their Chinese suppliers feed any engineering info straight to the local government.- increasing jingoism in the United States- realization that their current line of creating "good American jobs" through their retail chain is falling apart.- the shine from all of the "good jobs" they created with their NC data center is wearing off.$100 million is really chump change for this kind of investment for a company like Apple.

Jingoism definitions


an appeal intended to arouse patriotic emotions


fanatical patriotism

See also: chauvinism superpatriotism ultranationalism