Jailbreak in a sentence as a noun

Apple tried to make it illegal to jailbreak your own phone!

With the jailbreak, they simply found a scapegoat that they hoped would take the heat off of them.

Depending on what they hire him for, it could also be the last time you see a jailbreak tool from anyone ;P.

What normally happens is there is a massive wave over the first few days while people find out about the jailbreak.

If they had their way then it would have actually been illegal to jailbreak your phone in order to circumvent this.

This results in a "jailbreak" for the PS3, much like what jailbreaking does to the lock-down security on an iPhone.

I can't think of a compelling reason to jailbreak my iPhone in 2013, and I suspect that's true for a lot more people than it was in the past.

Now they put it in and it's a paranoid response to stop jailbreakers?Listen, there's no legal issue with jailbreaking.

In this case, this is unlike any previous jailbreak, because they announced a specific time.

The jailbreak they released is worthless for the moment due to them not bothering to include the proper Substrate releases from saurik.

But Apple is under no obligation to make it easy, or to leave gaping security holes for jailbreak tools to waltz through.

I already work nearly every waking hour on things related to jailbreaking: "I'm giving er' all she's got, captain".

We need to stop acting like Apple is persecuting jailbreakers, when what they're really doing is fixing security holes.

This isn't about stopping piracy or shaming pirates, it's a blanket accusation that all iPhone owners who jailbreak their phones are thieves.

Nowadays, when I teach I meet kids who know python/html/php, fiddle with minecraft mods, jailbreak their android tablet so they can run a GBA emulator, etc. all the time.

Plus a variety of parties with various interests in the development community were given previous jailbreaks early, which provides at least a cursory level of auditing and sign-off.

And if I had my druthers, ecosystem monopoles of this type would be blatantly illegal, and manufacturers would be obligated to include jailbreak capability in every single device.

This caused a bit of hubhub a few years ago because if you jailbreak you can find the screenshot of the last closed app .It's actually the developers job to give a launch image for the app itself, and the apple guidelines are that you should aim to emulate your app's homepage with no data in it.

Is it just your personal preference?I really don't mean to offend anyone, it's just that I perceive the closed ecosystem of the iPhone as an intentional "feature" and as I personally don't like it, I would never put my money into such a closed system just to try to jailbreak it afterwards.

Seriously: you think I should spend six months while Cydia is losing money and there are no jailbreaks available--and there may never be a jailbreak available again--sitting around figuring out how to make a payment system scale infinitely so that during a small multi-hour long window it can shine?Even in jailbreak-land, that is not the most important thing to be doing; one of my big time sinks this last half year was figuring out how to better deal with credit card fraud, for example.

Jailbreak definitions


an escape from jail; "the breakout was carefully planned"

See also: break breakout gaolbreak prisonbreak prison-breaking